Writing Stages


Martian supports writing pipeline stages in virtually any language. The only requirement for pipeline executables is that they be able to write JSON to files.

The martian runtime may need to restart stages for a variety of reasons, including user input, hardware failures, or running out of memory. Even if stage code completes successfully, there are cases such as network partitions in which the runtime may not be able to confirm successful completion. Because of this, stages should never alter their inputs, and must behave correctly if re-run. Formally, stages should ideally be pure functions.

A Martian stage is an executable, either interpreted or compiled, that takes at least four command-line arguments as follows:

$ stage_executable [args] <type> <metadata_path> <files_path> <journal_prefix>

In most cases the interpretation of the arguments is handled by a language-specific adapter. The type argument is one of split, join, or main (main is run for chunk phases, or for stages which do not split ). The stage executable should switch on that type and provide implementations for each.

The details of the interface are generally handled by a language-specific “adapter.” Currently, there are adapters for Python and Go in the main repository, and an adapter for Rust in also available. Adapters for scripting languages are generally distributed with martian and should be expected to be tied to a specific martian version, while adapters for compiled languages obviously need to be compiled with the stage code. For details on the interface between the job monitor process and the adapter code, see the adapter documentation in the Martian repository. When writing stage code, refer to the documentation for the language-specific adapter for additional details, as they are intended to provide abstraction layers wrapping the interface to the martian runtime, such as managing interaction with the journal directory and accessing inputs and outputs.

Split Interface

Input: The args file (containing the json dictionary of stage inputs)

Output: A stage_defs file, containing a json object containing two keys.

  • chunks: a list of objects containing the input arguments to each stage, and optional keys __threads and __mem_gb to override the default resource reservation for each chunk.
  • join (optional): an object containing __threads and __mem_gb overrides to be used for the join phase.

More details in Advanced Features: Parallelization.

Join Interface


  • args: The stage input arguments
  • chunk_defs: The chunk definitions produced by the split phase.
  • chunk_outs: A json serialized list aggregating the outputs from each chunk.
  • outs: The stage outputs. This is written by the stage code, but for outputs which are files, the paths to the recommended locations for those files are populated by the runtime.

Output: The outs file is re-written with values populated for non-file output types.

Because the runtime will attempt to reclaim disk space used by files which are not required by any incomplete stages (see Storage Management), the final outputs of a stage should never contain references to files produced by other stages. This includes paths in the outs file as well as symbolic links or other ways an output file might depend on an input file. If the outputs of a stage need to include a file produced by a previous stage, that file should be copied or hard-linked to the stage’s outputs.

Main/Chunk Interface

For stages which do not split, the args file contains the stage inputs. For stages which do split, the args file contains the element of the chunks key from the stage_defs file written by the split phase.

Outputs are written to the outs file, which is either the stage’s outs file (for stages which do not split) or will be aggregated into chunk_outs to be passed to the join phase for stages which do split.

Language Adapters

Martian provides support for writing stages in the form of adapters, whose purpose is to provide to stages the following:

  • A well-defined interface for stages to be invoked by mrp
  • Input arguments from upstream stages to be passed into the stage
  • A well-defined method for returning output values to be passed to downstream stages
  • An API so the stage can provide logging, status updates, and error reporting.

The goal of Martian adapters is to minimize the amount of boilerplate code written for each stage implementation. Exactly how stage code is written and structured varies with the implementation language. Below are examples for some languages that currently have Martian adapters.

Interpreted Languages


A Martian stage written in Python is simply a Python module. That is, a directory with an __init__.py containing the stage code. The stage code should not execute on import - the Martian Python adapter provides an executable wrapper script that does an import of your Python module.

Python stages are run via an adapter which simplifies much of the high-level tasks. The stage .py file must contain a main method, expecting and, if the stage splits, a split and join method.

The split method is called with the contents of the args file as the argument. It must return a stage_defs object.

The join method is called with args, outs, chunk_defs, chunk_outs. The outs are written back when the method returns.

The main method is called with the contents of the args and outs files as input. outs will be written back when the method returns.

The adapter wraps these json objects in a Record object, which converts string keys into object attributes for convenience, and to prevent accidentally setting invalid keys in outs.

Stage code may import the martian module (the shell wrapper adds the version corresponding to the mrp process to the PYTHONPATH - don’t try to import it from elsewhere). This provides a number of convenience methods to the stage code:

martian.make_path(filename)Get the absolute path, in the stage’s files directory, corresponding to given filename
martian.get_martian_versionGet the version of the parent mrp process
martian.get_pipelines_versionGet the pipeline version reported in the invocation mro
martian.update_progress(message)Reports a progress update to bubble up to the parent mrp log. There are no guarantees that the update will be reported before it is overwritten by a newer update.
martian.log_info(message)Add a message to the chunk’s log.
martian.log_warn(message)Add a warning to the chunk’s log.
martian.log_time(message)Add a timestamped message to the chunk’s log.
martian.log_json(label, obj)Log an object as serialized json.
martian.throw(message)Fail the stage with an error.
martian.exit(message)Fail the stage with an assertion.
martian.alarm(message)Log a message which will be reported by mrp at the end of the pipeline run.

The Python module should be located in its own directory somewhere under the PYTHONPATH. The specific path is then specified in the MRO code to connect the MRO stage definition with the location of the Python implementation, e.g. src py "path/to/my/python_module". Martian would then expect to be able to Python import that path as a module.

Compiled Languages

Stage executables that are compiled must implement the command-line interface described above.


Refer to the GitHub Pages for martian-rust.


To implement a stage with Go, simply import github.com/martian-lang/martian/martian/adapter and call the RunStage method with your stage code logic as parameters from the main() method.

The split, chunk, join methods provided to RunStage called with a core.Metadata object which provides access to args, outs, and so on. For an example of how this can be used, see the go-based integration test stage as an example.

Stage code can write to the stage log file with util.Log and related methods.

The adapter handles writing the expected output files for the stage through the return values of the methods given to RunStage. RunStage will also exit the process on completion - don’t put any logic after the RunStage call.

Writing an Adapter

If you are interested in developing a new Martian language adapter or contributing to an existing one, you can find more details about the adapter API here. Pull requests welcome!